Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In the novel The Power and the Glory Graham Greene talks how when we stand for what we believe we must go out and do something about it. When the priest leaves the town to go he hears that there was the Yankee that was dying and wanted a priest. The priest thought about this but he knew that he wouldn’t be called a priest if he didn’t help this man.
In life religion is a way of knowing and thinking what you think is right. When you have something in which you believe you are usually too scared to say anything about it. But when you stand up for what you believe in at least you know you did something with your life instead of going with the crowd. God sent Jesus down from heaven so that he could die from our sins. He stood for something he believed in to help us believe in him.
In the novel the priest gets betrayed, has his last supper and is killed for something he believes in. All this relates to the passion of when Jesus was betrayed and he was killed because he believed in something. Life gives us many reasons to forget what we believe, for example a law is set up saying that people cannot read the Bible yet people still do it because they want to believe more and stand up against those that try to stop them to make them go with what they want them to believe.
" It is the voice of Life that calls us to come, and learn." When you take a look at life you realize that the true meaning in life is to do something with the time that you have. When we don’t stand for something we guarantee ourselves a spot in Dante’s Inferno as one of those who has their heads sticking out of the ground. They didn’t stand for anything but they didn’t do anything bad they just tried to get through life without the pain that comes when belief comes into your life. When the priest is praying for all the peoples sins he realizes that his job and life were more important to everyone than to himself. He would have to stay and help people not because he wanted to or he had to but because it was what he believed in and knew.
This novel has the meanings of life that talk how we trust and do what we are to believe in. Though we are innocent now we must realize that life will toss and turn us with difficulties and surprises that are both good and bad. We have leaders who lead like the president, teachers and parents which helps us in our decisions in life to help better understand what we are going to face. To believe in something is to trust and know what you think is right. The priest was just a poor man but he made a difference in those people’s lives he saved. He was helping them so that when they believe they will know that believing is knowing the truth to Life.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life's ups and downs

an essay response to the novel Life of Pi, by Yann Martel

" Things didn’t turn out the way they were supposed to, but what can you do? You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it." (91) In the novel Life of Pi, Pi has trouble learning that things always won't go the way he expected. There are twists and turns in our life that can bring out the side of us that is not normal, almost as if we are the opposite bad side of what we are. Life is a wonderful thing full of joy, but when something goes wrong the whole world turns into chaos and we are scared that our lives will never be the same. It is then when we are crumbling down at on our knees that we show our true selves. This is the experience Pi has in the novel.

Fear is a necesary part of life for us to face those chaotic moments." I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent." (161) Pi grows up in a zoo that is filled with dangerous animals. He has learned about each one and he knows many facts. When Pi's dad tells him that the tiger is the most feared animal, Pi was scared of the tiger from then on. When we see things on tv or hear things that are scary, we control our mind so that we fear what is not real. If someone hated bees, then they would be scared to go outside. But really bees won't attack you unless you provoke them. Yann Martel is saying we fear only what we want to fear.

We use beliefs to help guide us through rough times."What was the point of plotting a course if I could not act on it?" (193) When we think to do something yet we are sitting there just thinking and not actually doing it we are not acting upon it. In a terrible boat accident, Pi was stranded in the middle of the ocean with a tiger. Though none may believe this, we must ask ourselves were we acutally there to see it happen? We cant believe what we don’t see right? How will we know for sure weather it is true or not? The Bible as example is a book that tells us of stories, that were important in the pastimes. Also it makes us believe that Jesus really existed. But we weren't there and yet we still believe all those things.

Even when things do get hard, God places beauty in our midst to help us get through"Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it."(6) Pi realized that life means more than riches, there are other things more beautiful than money. When Pi looks over the boat in the water he sees something so amazing and beautiful, a city of fish that gleamed brighter than the sun. When Pi catches the first dorado he starts to cry because it is such a beautiful animal with its scales shining like a rainbow. In life we think that money means everything. But we miss the small things that are greater than any money. God gave us this beautiful earth so that we could take care of it and love it.

Though life has its struggles it was meant to be this way so that it will be worth it."You must fight hard to shine the light of word upon it. Because if you don't, if your fear becomes a …..." (162) When Pi is stuck in the boat he thinks about how his life was hard and how he had to fight to be normal. In life we expect it to be easy. But the reality of it is life must be worked for. We go through school and many other things to help us realize life can't be a easy pass by. It is worked for. With hard work comes reward. When we do bad our fear of life becomes so real we are scared of fear itself. We destroy ourselves looking over our past when in our present we are working hard. God told Adam and Eve when they ate of the fruit that life would be very hard and there would be struggling and pain.

Fear is what we need to be able to control and have a worth living life. We know that things exist when we see them. In life we watch things and believe that they actually happened. Life is all about the beauty that God gave us so that we can focus on other things than riches. Struggling is only the part of life that we all must go through. It will be there and when we get through it, it will all be worth it at the end. In the novel Life of Pi, Pi goes through all these things and he struggled with them as he learned that amazing things can happen.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I am a specialist in the field of education. The Madison College has asked me to give my view on weather schools should have the book Farenheit 451 in their libraries or if the children should even read the book. My view on this book is that it has a point of understanding. From reading this novel I see that it proves to be educational and useful. It talks how we are controlled by the government and those people above us. Though it says books are things that are bad it proves that we have an understanding of what will happen when you have your perspective and they have theirs. Now this book describes that in life we have choices. Choices to do what we think is right and choices to do what they think is right. So it all comes down to this what do we do when we are defied the right to do something? Do we stand up to them? do we go with what they said and go queitly? The way of our lives is our own choice. What will you choose?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Great Expectations

 " 'You must know,' said Estella, condescending to me as a beautiful woman might, that I have no heart—if that has anything to do with my memory.” (Pg. 235) In the novel Great Expectations Pip’s has a hard time realizing that expectations are sometimes not met. That in this world of nothing is fair, that we who have expectations, must realize that we will not always achieve our goal. Only when we set our mind to it we can do anything.
Pip, through all the adventures and time past in his life found out what it meant to have great expectations. Having let go of his past with Joe he had expectations that he thought must be met. In life we have expectations to. When we want something to get done or to do something ect. That is our expectations. In the novel Pip’s expectations were not met as he did not set his mind to something. He just kept going on expecting things to happen. “ Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations." (pg.342)
" 'for I have seen you give him looks and smiles this very night, such as you never give to- me.' 'Do you want me then,' said Estella, turning suddenly with a fixed and serious, if not angry, look, 'to deceive and entrap you?' 'Do you deceive and entrap him Estella?' 'Yes, and many others-all of them but you.'" (Pg. 307) This quote describes Pip’s love for Estella and how he was determined to get her. His expectations were to marry Estella then go off into the world and live his life. But Pip did not set his mind on that. He thought that when the time comes it will happen just like when the leaves fall if the tree for winter. Though Pip was a man with power he would not consider the fact that everything does not come your way. If you want something you have to work for it and not wait for it to happen.
In life we find that rewards do not come willingly. That if you want something you have to stand up for what you believe in. That in this world nothing is fair. We who here stand are ready to believe that everything can be reached within grasp. Pip’s life is filled with the thought that he knows everything. Pip is so full of himself that he doesn’t think any common job would be good. He wanted to be a gentlemen and own a lot of money. At the end when Pip has nothing and he goes home he realizes what expectations really mean. It means you have to believe and work for something. "That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."( pg.490)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wemmick and Pip

In the Novel Great Expectations Wemmick is tense and ordered at work as he is a lawyer working on cases all day. When Wemmick invites Pip to his castle he starts to change. Wemmick becomes relaxed and happy when he goes home. He talks about his flagpole and how he is the one who works on the castle. This shows that at work it is a tragic job for Wemmick staying in the office all day filing papers. It is as though Wemmick is living two lives. One were at work it is hard grueling work and at home a fantasy waiting to happen.

Monday, October 26, 2009


The Good Earth

“ Out of the land we came, and into it we must go, for land is one’s flesh and blood.” In the novel The Good Earth Wang Lung is illuminated by the fact that money cannot help everything; life must be worked for and earned. Though he is in poverty he does not know what to do for he is a farmer boy, and a farmer he shall be his whole life. He knows nothing but land and the plow to make the land into life. When Wang becomes what he used to despise, he learns that money means nothing; it is what you do with your life and how you treat your family.
Wang Lung’s life is filled with the thoughts of poverty and being a poor farmer. He wakes up in the morning and helps with his father, who is stubborn and expects his son to do everything. Wang is a farmer who plows and grows things on all of his land. It is hard work for him but it is all he knows to do. “"He had no articulate thought of anything; there was only this perfect sympathy of movement, of turning this earth of theirs over and over to the sun, this earth which formed their home and fed their bodies and made their gods.” (pg.27)
When Wang visits the House of Hwang, he begins his hatred for those wealthy people who treat others with contempt. The people who lived in it got everything they wanted and they didn’t even have to work for it. Wang thought this wasn’t fair because he would work all day every day and still get only a few pieces of silver. The House of Hwang would call the poor names and the famers farmer boy, or field man. This is the reason Wang hates them because everyone is supposed to be equal and treated fairly. Wang works hard, plows and works on the fields, though he only gets a few coins. The House of Hwang does not have to work and they lazily sit around. This is the kind of thing that happens around the world where there are people who are rich and people who work hard but still have to keep working.“ There is a way, when the rich are too rich.” ( pg 103)
Wang Lung is a hard worker and raises enough money to buy more land. House of Hwang had a lot of land with really good soil that they didn’t farm on anymore. Wang thought this was a waste of land so he bought it. The land was important to him like owning a favorite toy or an animal. Every day we go to school thinking what will happen or what will I do today. Wang Lung had land and every day went out to work on it.“ Land is ones flesh and blood.” (pg.45)
Wang becomes selfish because he has money and land, two things a farmer likes. When a drought comes over the land Wang is not happy but he has saved money from all the harvest and is subtle. When there is talk about how people are dying and some are moving to the south afraid of starvation, Wang decides that they should go south. When Wang and his family reach the city they find it has walls big and the city full of buildings. But Wang cannot stop thinking about his land at home, how when he goes home he will have something. Wang’s pride is what keeps him going and alive. Work is hard for him to find but he gets by.
Wang is still in the city and getting by with little. Talk of a raid on a rich house is herd, Wang says that he would not go. He goes against his will and goes with the robbers. When they break in the men search everywhere for money. Wang spots a fat man and chases him down. When he catches him he tells him to give him all his money. Wang goes back to the little hut and tells his family they are going home, for he had money and land waiting at home for him. Wang stole from the house not because he is a robber but because he knew that he and his family would not be able to live much longer, more like self defense. “ Hunger makes thief of any man.”(pg.122)
With the money Wang stole he bought land and had many years of good crops and money. Wang Lung was selfish and bought rooms to add on to his house. He said “ if you have money use it.” Wang started to build himself almost a little palace. But in his pride he still worked on his beloved land. Though the land was doing good Wang decided to buy slaves to plow and take care of the land because he didn’t want to take care of it, he just wanted the money. “ It is the good land that has made me something better than a farmer.” (pg.246)
While Wang Lung was not educated and didn’t know how to save and spare money he bought the House of Hwang’s palace. Wang went to live there for the rest of his years with his family and children. Wang Lung became what he hated most. He was a selfish rich man just like the people in House of Hwang. Wang Lung worked hard for his money and he did what was good but he didn’t realize he was becoming a money loving man. Wang had all he wanted yet in the end he realized money isn’t everything.
This novel talks about how events change depending on what we do with our lives. Wang Lung was a farmer who worked hard and in the end he got all he wanted because of work. He lost all because family is what is important, Wang did not pay enough attention to his family. He was so caught up in his money that when family came he gave them what they want and they left. In life we care about family, every day we go to school or work and do what we are told to do. Wang Lung was a farmer and did what he wanted and not what was good for the family. The tragedy this symbolizes, when at the end of the book Wang Lung is old and he hears his two sons talking about selling the land. He goes to them and almost falls on the ground but they catch him. He tells them “ If you sell the land, it is the end.” (pg. 308) Wang Lung’s sons assure him that they would not sell the land. Then they look over at each other and smile. The tragedy of betrayal from your own family is terrible. In the end Wang’s sons became like their father, selfish and wanted all the money they could get their hands on.